Blitz (79/144)

From:David McMinn
Date:19 May 2001 at 23:32:03
Subject:Re: Fetchmode Question

Jason Faramus says the moon is made of cheese, but it's actually made of Fetchmode Question

> correct in thinking that this is possible? In AMOS there is a command to
> position the screen but how can I do this in Blitz, say for example if I
> wanted to allow the user to set the position of a game screen to suite
> their TV display.

The command you are looking for is probably DisplayAdjust, but the
documentation for it sucks.


[) /\ \/ ][ [) |\/| © |\/| ][ |\| |\| | | ICQ = 16827694
'Feel the Force, motherf**ker' - Samuel L. Jackson, Jedi

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